2024 Montgomery Township Meeting Dates and Time
All meetings for the Board of Supervisors will be held on the second Wednesday of each month, except January’s Meeting which will be held on the first Monday of the month.
All meetings will begin at 7:00 P.M unless voted on and advertised for another time and will be held at 1220 Cush Creek Road, Cherry Tree, PA 15724
Reorganization Meeting with the Regular Monthly Meeting for January had been held on Tuesday, January 03 as per The Second-Class Township Code, Article VI, Section 602 (a) and (b). This year due to the Holiday falling on Sunday, the first Monday was considered the Legal Holiday so the meeting was held on Tuesday.
Regular Monthly Meetings
February 14
March 13
April 10
May 08
June 12
July 10
August 14
September 11
October 09
November 13
December 11